Manifesting Creative Visions ~ 29 Oct 2015

Just in case something’s been stirring your creative pot and tapping on your idea locker, over the past few days Mercury directly aligned with Haumea in Libra, which is now virtually in an exact opposition to Eris in Aries.

Let’s say you watched the Republican Debate here in the U.S. of A. last night and thought, “I can come up with a better tax plan than these guys have.” Okay, write it down and send it to the campaigns of all candidates, whether blue or red.

Let’s say you watched one of the new TV shows and thought, “What crap! I can write better than that.” Okay, write a well-developed treatment and series outline for the TV show you have in mind. Then go to, click on Happy Writers and pitch your idea to a TV company executive.

Let’s say your saw an ad for an ap that you thought was inane. Fair enough. So what would be a good ap that people actually need? Write it down, slap a copyright on it and file your trademark application (there must be an ap for that).

What if you had an idea for a new program for a city to feed its hungry? Write it down and get it out there.

These past couple of days Mercury churned the pot of fertile ideas as stimulated by the ultra-fecund creation goddess from Hawaii, Haumea, one of our newer planets, who has a penchant (actually a makalei stick that attracted fish) for feeding the people. Social consciousness was stirred. As was creativity. As was, to bring Eris in from the other side of the chart, the realization that if you feel like a sideline stander in life, by activating your creative spirit and social awareness concerns, you’ll become a fully hands-on participant in life.

Mercury is not the only personal planet to stimulate this long-term opposition between Eris and Haumea. Soon Venus and Mars will join the festivities of fecundity.

Between November 27 - 30 (and you can add a day or two on both sides), Venus conjoins Haumea, opposing Eris. This is when you must declare to yourself what you value, what talents you have and the value and farthest-reaching possibilities of and for your talents. Then, you can state to interested parties the value of what you can do, what it cost (if you need to monetize) and what gains will be received by all, directly and indirectly. This is a great time to summon support and achieve the resources required, material and energetic, to manifest great objectives.

Between December 20 - 24, Mars strolls in between Eris and Haumea. Regardless of support, perceived readiness, or any concern that may stand in the way of activation, it’s time to get it going. Use the solstice as a shift point and get rocking with everyone riding the emotional wave of the holidays. A great bit of progress can be made in this window.

As mentioned, the Haumea-Eris opposition pattern goes on for a while. Each opposition marks a time in which new possibilities are more easily embraced. If the emphasis is on inclusion and benefit for all, the receptivity widens even further.

At the end of March 2016 Haumea and Eris stare at each from across a crowded zodiac yet again. And it happens again in October of 2016, when a second amazing Eris pattern is in full swing - that of Uranus and Eris conjunct in Aries (not to worry, I will address that a lot next year). And it happens one more time in late April, early May of 2017.

Why wait? The sooner one hitches their idea horse to the wagon bearing the hay that can be made, the better things get in their personal progress, and likely the planet benefits too. It is a time for creative visions, and it will remain a virtual open door for amazing innovation and advancement for many months to come.

Dust off your enthusiasm. Polish up mental nuggets. Stoke the fires of can’t wait to get this going. Reset the position of your rear view mirror and let the journey begin.

More soon.